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Our Top Teams

  1. Team Sally & Jim - $25,000.00
  2. Team Haas - $16,562.00
  3. In Memory of Wendy Dion - $9,290.00
  4. Team Traci Love - $4,904.00
  5. Abbie & Lillie's Squirrel Squad - $4,803.50
  6. Lupus Little Dollz - $4,660.00
  7. Scott's X-Men - $3,610.00
  8. Nads Nation - $2,950.00
  9. Team Jeanne - $2,921.00
  10. Always Best Care- Team Greene - $2,750.00

Our Top Participants

  1. Aliya Mitchell - $3,885.00
  2. I Made a Difference! Haley Hoffman - $3,500.00
  3. I Made a Difference! Sarah Exler - $2,675.00
  4. I Made a Difference! Virginia Ackler - $2,625.00
  5. $1,000 Milestone I Made a Difference! Deb Jepson - $2,215.00
  6. $1,000 Milestone I Made a Difference! Wendie Lapidus - $2,001.00
  7. $1,000 Milestone I Made a Difference! Jeffrey Ackler - $1,965.00
  8. $1,000 Milestone I Made a Difference! Carol Gangewer - $1,875.00
  9. $1,000 Milestone Michelle Getchell - $1,800.00
  10. $1,000 Milestone I Made a Difference! Shannon Oscar - $1,510.00